A Deeper Dive into Sci-X Advising

Sci-X advisers support you through your coursework, orient you to the university, keep you aware of your resources, and help you build an academic plan. We will be in contact with you during your first two years, during which you will focus on completing your qualifying courses as you work towards your major declaration. Our workshops and courses with help you break down qualification policies, guide you through Science major exploration, and provide tips and skills to successfully navigate college. We also work in collaboration with your major advisor, college adviser, and a variety of student support programs to help address your needs and provide an integrated, wrap-around support model.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I meet with my first-year adviser?
You will meet with your first-year adviser each quarter. The advisers will host major-related group advising as well.
What about the other types of advising?
You can find information on other types of advising through the UCSC Advising webpage, including:
Major/Minor Advising
College Advising
Other Advising
When do I meet with my major adviser?
You are affiliated with your major advisors from the time you are proposed in the major until the time of graduation. They can help you understand major qualifications, graduation requirements, and academic planning for your major. They can also help you identify appropriate faculty mentors and enrichment opportunities within and related to the program. Follow these links to connect with your major adviser(s) according to your department.
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Earth & Planetary Sciences
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology
Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology
Who else can help me?
UC Santa Cruz hosts a wide variety of student success programs. Check out our Resource page for a list of programs in partnership with the Science Excellence program.